GSA MAS program
The GSA MAS program provides eligible ordering activities with a simplified process for obtaining supplies and services. Async-Nu's MAS contract (GS-35F-284BA) is active through May 20, 2024, and includes labor categories for information Technology (IT), Project Management, and Web Based Marketing services.
Some of the benefits of the GSA Schedules program include:
Cost Reductions
Saves Time
Procurement Control
Async-Nu's MAS Schedules and Special Item Numbers (SINs)
Professional Services Schedule (PSS)
An indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity (IDIQ) multiple award schedule, providing direct access to simple or complex fixed-price or labor hour professional services (SIN - 541511 Web Based Marketing)
Information Technology Professional Services
IT Professional Services and/or labor categories for database planning and design; systems analysis, integration, and design; programming, conversion, and implementation support; network services, data/records management, and testing. (SIN - 54151S Information Technology Professional Services)